Avoid Choosing a Bad Seat on the Plane

Have you ever booked a flight and selected a seat near the restroom not realizing how ANNOYING it can be to hear the toilet flush 178 times during the flight? Yeah, it's happened to me...on an international flight, nonetheless. I think the toilet flushed closer to 500 times or at least it seemed that way. When booking, I only looked to see what row was closest to the front of the plane for quick exiting and didn't even think about what seat I actually picked. Not only could I hear the toilet, my seat was on the aisle BEHIND the restroom, so during the 10 hours, there was a constant line of people waiting and bumping into me. No sleep for me! Jet lag isn't a big deal, I guess. :/ So, here's the solution...
It's so simple! When researching flights, be sure to check the details of the flight to get the plane info then go to www.seatguru.com. Under Find Seat Maps, type in your flight information and click the Find Seat Map button.
For this flight, the plane was an airbus 330-300 (333) V3 and Lufthansa had seats available in rows 4, 10, and 12. At first, I thought row 10 would be the best since it was slightly more private, but when I saw it was right behind the restrooms I opted against it. Instead, I chose seats in row 4.
Instead, I chose seats in row 4. As you can see, rows 3 and 4 are business class but are separated from the main business class cabin. It was a small, private section that felt a little more like first class. That's a win!
Seat Guru also shows economy class seats and user's pictures of the plane's interior, which is helpful in finding out if you're booking a "bad business class seat." Is there is such a thing, though? This Lufthansa flight did offer a better business class seat compared to an American Airlines flight I took in August but, if you ask me, any business class seat is great! Users will also leave reviews on specific seats if they're broken, the tv doesn't work, etc.
Traveling can be stressful, so next time you book, check Seat Guru. It's a valuable travel resource!
Until next time,